Dermaquest Age Management: Programme 2 of 4
At this stage most people exhibit less oil production in the skin as well as less elasticity and new shallow wrinkles around the eyes are evident. The eye area begins to lose tone, and wrinkles deepen visibly as the years progress. Pigmentation problems will surface due to sun exposure and hormonal changes. Along with treatments to stimulate collagen and elastin production, adding an enhanced exfoliant to the home care regimen to remove dead cells is important to stimulate cell turnover.
Age management Stage 2
Fine lines around the eyes, possibly in expression areas and forehead; slight deepening of the naso-labial fold; minor loss of firmness and tone.
About this program
3-6 month Program, 1 treatment every 2-4 weeks. 3x Power Peptide Resurfacers. 3x Glycolic level 2. This professional treatment is the authority on cellular and UV damage formulated with Glycolic, Lactic Acid and powerful firming peptides. Supports and improves the dermal matrix.
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Credits to Dermaquest for this information about their products. We are proud to be one of the professional clinics offering and supporting Deraquest’s incredible products.